Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve With Art On Your Chest NEW T-SHIRTS

David Gascoyne
David Gascoyne
David Gascoyne
David Gascoyne

David Gascoyne

Regular price £295.00 Sale

David Gascoyne

© Matthew R Lewis Fine Art Print.
Giclée Hahnemühle Pearl, Limited Edition of 100. 

Surrealist Poet,1916 - 2001.

“He was first and foremost one of the greatest religious poets England has produced in the twentieth century’ wrote Sebastian Barker in his Independent obituary. David had large incongruous hands for a poet of such pervasive sensitivity, upon which, if you look closely, he has graciously signed his name in life sustaining green. David, deranged by his amphetamine abuse, spent many years in a sanatorium. One day a beautiful lady [Judy Adam] came to read some poetry. She asked ‘does anybody know who wrote this poem “SEPTEMBER AFTERNOON?’ David declared ‘I did’. At first, she thought he was deluded but she was mistaken. They married in 1975 and together set up home to live happily ever after on the Isle of White.