Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve With Art On Your Chest NEW T-SHIRTS

Every Picture Tells A Story

Erwin Olaf - ‘Hollandse meester' - RIP

Erwin Olaf -  ‘Hollandse meester' - RIP

Erwin Olaf - Nina Siegal - Mutual Art

The most important influence on Olaf’s work was Robert Mapplethorpe, the paragon of studio photography, whom Olaf met while Mapplethorpe was visiting Amsterdam. He was especially taken with Mapplethorpe’s use of square format images, a technique also employed by Peter Hujar and Diane Arbus for their portrait work.

Stephen Fry has a halo...

Stephen Fry has a halo...
  Stephen Fry - London 2009 ‘Stephen Fry has a halo encircling his head. This photo is cropped so tight you cannot see it, which is why he looks so...


Young man with arms raised to either side, his head turned to side. Religious style. Torso. Crucifixion. © Matthew R Lewis 2000
It started with a clock It was over twenty years ago. And yes it seems like yesterday. With part of an old clock, a length of gold cord, a piece o...

Boy With Syringe Lemon & Spoon

... Unfortunately, Caravaggio was not available to see it, but William Burroughs admired it very much and he thoughtfully signed it ‘For a friend’. It also caught the eye of Derek Jarman...

Portraits of Matthew by Giancarlo Gemin

Portraits of Matthew by Giancarlo Gemin
New portraits of Matthew from the early 80's by Giancarlo Gemin.

Grayson Perry and Matthew R Lewis

Grayson Perry and Matthew R Lewis
Grayson Perry and Matthew R Lewis 
Every picture tells a story. A lot can happen in thirty years.